TheFutureWorks is a series of reports in the form of blogs designed to help you develop more effective, strategic, and competitive thought and action to make your future work out as you intend. Regardless of where you are in your life journey, it is our hope that the moods, distinctions, philosophies, strategies, and practices reported on in our blogs will enhance the likelihood of you colonizing the future you seek.
When we craft our communications for you we do so with your end game in mind.So tell us about the future you are trying to create and we will work with you to make that future show up.
You will need narratives of your why, your accomplishments, your ethics, your value, your competitors, your strategy and why "right now" your customers need to act. We can help.
When we craft your stories & design your communications we will make sure they are consistent & coherent with principles, laws and mechanisms, and competitive in the marketplace.
We create communications for sales, marketing, social media, human resources, employees, management, boards and investors. Everything websites, blogs and social media, to ads, videos, white papers, manifestos, speeches and Powerpoint.
Once you have been awakened to the power of well-crafted narratives we help you hold your story through multiple channels and various horizons of time to help you build power in the marketplace.
Our attitude and posture in the marketplace is to help you always be competing, always be enhancing your competitive advantages and to always help you enhance your superior value.
I was born in Hamtramck, Michigan. Many people think of it as the armpit of Detroit. I think of it as the place that put a chip on my shoulder. I have things to prove. I have been competing all my life and I have developed very uncommon, very competitive skills that can help you thrive.